Tuesday, June 18, 2013


A store bought, rye hamburger bun, toasted. A thin spreading of unsalted, stick butter atop.
~My impression: rye is loud with fermentation (that's what I believe it to be, at this point)

Coffee without store bought, sugar laden creamer. Black, unflavored coffee with 1 T of organic whole milk and a few shakes of powdered cinnamon.
~My impression: dark

This is my first day, truly mindful and actively pursuing a cut of added sugar sources in my intake.

Some aspect of my mind screams that I MUST have some sugar.

Any source is ok with me. Just give it to me in liquid, crunch, smooth, creamy, tacky, chewy, bits or whole! ... But the part of the mind that I am CHOOSING to listen to, at this moment, is that voice of truth.

The voice of truth, I barely hear it whisper what is life applicable for me: 'nix the processed, sugar and chemical laden creamer.'

A flashing light and high pitch screaming within my mind blares out to me that the processed chemicals and pounds of sugar create a cycle that can only be broken with the CHOICE to cut it out and to CREATE a NEW habit.

Creamer starts my day, a day filled with one desire after another of sugar laden things to intake. Deep within, truth tells me that by cutting this from my morning, I will begin on the right foot for the day.

Thought: fermented items take away the perpetual desire for more and more sugar producing choices.

Goal: to understand the chemical triggers. To understand what the body is truly needing to end the cravings in a way that satisfies.